The IAQ CLUSTER has the vocation of linking technology with business and scientific-technical synergies, for which it has several research centres as partners, as well as establishing various collaboration agreements with entities of the scientific value chain of the indoor air quality, including all the transversality of it requires for its analysis.
For this, we have the Technology Center of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Founding Partner of the CLUSTER IAQ, which, as a catalyst for the research and innovation potential of the UPC, will serve as a link with the business initiatives that arise in the IAQ CLUSTER.
CEMIC – Centre d’Enginyeria de Microsistemes per a Instrumentació i Control. Bosch i Gimpera . Universitat de Barcelona
CEMIC is a research and technology transfer centre specialized in electronic engineering and information technologies. Its activity is focused on the development of European and national projects, and it is proactive in promoting and maintaining the loyalty of industrial partners in R&D&I projects. CEMIC develops active policies for the protection of intellectual property and has a flexible and multidisciplinary organization.
Currently, the IAQ CLUSTER is planning several R&D&I projects in different stages of indoor air quality.