Objectives of IAQ CLUSTER

Solutions to improve IAQ
Through synergies between leading companies in the sector, to provide solutions that improve IAQ in existing buildings and infrastructures, always striving to improve the health, well-being and safety of their occupants, whether they are customers, users or employees of the companies themselves. To achieve this, an IAQ Cluster work group analyses, designs and implements solutions to improve IAQ to prevent specific environmental and global health problems in a traceable way, one of which is the COVID-19 virus.
Our goal is to provide a safer, healthier and more sustainable environments for the occupants of buildings and infrastructures.
Guaranteed indoor air quality
Development of an indoor air quality guarantee concept recognised in the IAQ Cluster’s area of influence, to ensure that Air Treatment systems improve the well-being of people and to have a recognised and objective method for validating Air Quality based on measurable parameters.
To adopt or create a methodology for analysing, implementing, monitoring and measuring actions designed for each specific case to improve IAQ through collaborations with prestigious, reliable bodies and organisations,
Raise public awareness of the importance of IAQ
Develop and raise awareness of the importance of IAQ to human health and wellbeing. The holistic approach of the IAQ Cluster throughout the value chain seeks to involve all stakeholders, using regular communication and training activities to launch our projects, new challenges and results.
The objective is to explain and raise society’s awareness that given that we spend increasing amounts of time inside buildings, the growing importance of Indoor Air Quality to human health.